Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Square Inch Gardening Part Eleven

Everything's growing.
We had onion chives on baked potatoes with sour cream the other night.
Also harvested more arugula, and some of both parsleys to chop up and add to salad.
I took some new photos yesterday.

I've taken the nasturtiums out of the greenhouse and potted them.

The climbing peas are flowering.

The raspberries are flowering & setting fruit.

The peony is recovering nicely having been a rescued bare root from our old property.

One of the eggplants has a pretty purple flower.

The stevia is flowering and I need to remove the flowers to keep it useable in cooking.

The three different tomato plants are flowering.

The blueberries are flowering and setting fruit.

The strawberries are flowering and setting fruit. I've already harvest 3 strawberries (1 for the neighbor kid who helped me plant them, 1 for her brother, and 1 for me. :)

And last but not least, the white fuschia is FINALLY starting to bloom!

More later!

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