I’m going off track a bit this time.
The management company for the apartment complex I live at
had some tree work done; as in REMOVAL. Highly distressing for someone who
loves plants of any kind.
This occurred while the city was having roadwork done on our
main road outside the apartment complex. The street now has sidewalks on both
sides, bicycle lanes on both sides, a center turn lane for a considerable
distance on the road, and a crosswalk near the Catholic and grade schools.
So, here follow some photos.
First, a bit of the roadwork.
New sidewalk next to our apartment area.
New sidewalk other side of the driveway at the apartments.
Culvert area on the creek which goes under the road.
View of same culvert area, different angle.
New sidewalk near the beauty school.
Apartment complex driveway apron dug out for new asphalt.
New asphalt for the driveway apron.
Now for the tree removal photos - I only took them of one tree, which was the closest to our apartment.
Aftermath of prepping a maple tree for removal (it's base was super close to the building and it's roots were a threat to the building foundation). I hope the owners plan to replace them with something that doesn't grow as insanely (there were roots one could trip over).
Same tree, different angle - we thought it looked like a hand flipping off. :-)
Same tree, one more angle.
This tree was near one of the other buildings. The tree men stripped it of leaved out branches, then came back the next day to remove the rest.
Well, enough of this for now. I need to compose my next blog about prepping the garden for winter.
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