Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Square Inch Gardening Part Nine

I left out some things from Part Eight ...

Our potting bench, some of the tools and mini-compost bin behind the apartment.

In a month or so, we’ll be doing something with the remaining portion of the “mud hole.” Before we do, we’ll need to level it a bit, probably by getting some dirt to spread around and fill in. We’re considering throwing some rolled sod on it once it’s leveled. Don said we’ll need a new weed trimmer attachment for his Ryobi when we do.

More to come later. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Square Inch Gardening Part Eight

This part is a mix of plants that were here when we moved into the apartment and some miscellaneous items.

When Don and I moved into the apartment last June, there were three rose bushes in front of our apartment that were in dire need of care. Don has been grooming and caring for them since we moved in. He’s made a powder from dried eggshells to spread around the bases of the roses. Here’s how they look now …


We also rescued a small bare-root chunk of a huge yellow rose that the city had a landscaper pull up from the front of the apartment property on the city’s right-of-way. We planted it near the south side of our back yard. When planted, I filled the hole around the root with Miracle Grow Garden Soil, and Don has given it the dried powered eggshell treatment. It’s recovering nicely (everything green on it is new growth since planting).

For our cats, I purchased Cat Grass seed from Fred Meyer and put it into the planter I had for that purpose. It’s in the mini-greenhouse temporarily due to the excess rain we’ve been having. Also in the mini-greenhouse are some seed starts of Nasturtium flowers which I started yesterday and some peat-pots that I’m letting dry out due to failed seed crop. I emptied the pots into the mini-compost bin Don and I created from a fair-sized heavy plastic produce box he acquired. We put some left-over gardening cloth inside it to keep things from falling out.

As to why I've been referring to all of this as "Square Inch Gardening" is that the main vegetable garden bed measures 162 by 49 inches. 

That's all for now, at least until things begin flowering and producing.

Square Inch Gardening Part Seven

On to the rest of the stuff ...

Our potted plants next to the garden contain:

Rhubarb (one bare-root from Terra Gardens)

Raspberries (two bare-roots from Terra Gardens)
Peony (rescued from our former property)
Japanese Iris (rescued from our former property)
An unidentified plant (rescued from our former property)

When Fred Meyer had their annual fuchsia sale with free potting, I took a hanging planter with me and bought 5 plants:

Marinka (trailing red/bright pink) 2 each
Snowy Summit (trailing white) 2 each
Gartenmeister (upright)

The whites and red fuchsias are planted across from their matching color, and the Gartenmeister is in the center of the hanging planter. The whites haven’t produced flowers yet.

Our front planter garden contains:

Gladiolas (from bulbs placed in the pot)
Rose (rescued from our former property)
Tulips & crocus (rescued from our former property)
Hyacinth (rescued from our former property)
Japanese Iris (rescued from our former property)

More to come in Part Eight.