Sunday, May 26, 2013

Square Inch Gardening Part Six

The garden bed proper contains the following:

Kentucky Blue Pole Beans (greenhouse started)
Alaska Peas (greenhouse started)
Sweet Corn (greenhouse started)
“All-Star” Gourmet Mix Lettuce
“Holy Mole” Pasilla Type Pepper

Early Scarlet Globe Radish (direct-sown)
(I had a second row of a different variety of direct-sown radish that failed)
Green Salad Bowl Lettuce (direct-sown)
(I had another row of a different variety of direct-sown lettuce that failed)
Parris Island Cos Lettuce (direct-sown)
Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce (direct-sown)

Dwarf Siberian Kale
Jalapeno Hot Pepper
Japanese Long Eggplant
“Millionaire” Eggplant
“Mici” Hybrid Asian Cucumber (greenhouse started)
“Marathon” Hybrid Broccoli (greenhouse started)
Edamame Soybean
Lemon Cucumber

Round Leaf Asian Spinach (direct-sown)
Marketmore 76 Cucumber (greenhouse started)
Winter Giant Spinach (greenhouse started)
‘Sweet 100’ Red Cherry Tomato
Petite Yellow Marigold (greenhouse started)
Viva Italia Roma Tomato
Petite Orange Marigold (greenhouse started)

“Cherokee Wax” Yellow Bush Bean (greenhouse started)
“Sunsugar” Golden Cherry Tomato
Sunflower (greenhouse started)
Improved Long Island Brussels Sprouts (greenhouse started)
Elephant Garlic (rescued from our former property)

Everything I started from seed was kept in my mini-greenhouse until they had sprouted and were big enough for transplant after the weather improved.

As for the garden proper and potted plants, we rescued some things from our former property, which has been demolished. We rescued some elephant garlic, Japanese iris, peony, tulips, crocus, hyacinth, and a rose (we hope it’s the Joseph’s Coat rose).

Some of the garden plants were started from seed in biodegradable pots in the mini-greenhouse for direct transplant. Some were from starts purchased at Bi-Mart, the Fred Meyer Garden Center and Terra Gardens. The rest were direct-sown into the soil.

More about the potted plants, mini-greenhouse and the rest of our little yard in Part Seven.

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