Sunday, May 26, 2013

Square Inch Gardening Part Four

Here's more info ...

I obtained a used pallet from Terra Gardens garden center. The reason for that was that I’d seen a pallet garden demonstration on the ABC show “The Chew.” We had to do some repair work on the pallet, wrapped the bottom and four sides with garden cloth (we used four layers of garden cloth I’d bought at Dollar Tree), filled it with Miracle Grow Garden Soil purchased from Home Depot, and placed it on a pair of saw horses we’d purchased at Harbor Freight Tools. This pallet is my herb garden. Some of the herbs were purchased from Fred Meyer’s Garden Center, and some of them were started from seed I had on hand and other seed I’d received to test from the National Home Gardening Club, of which I am a lifetime member.

The pallet idea was so cool I tried the same technique on used wooden produce boxes, which now contain 2 ‘Top Hat’ Dwarf Blueberry plants in one box, and 12 ‘Totem’ June-bearing strawberries out of 2 sides and 3 each of green and purple asparagus crowns in the top of the other.

Details about the herb pallet will be published in Part Five.


  1. Ooo, I love the pallet herb garden! How much did those sawhorses cost? I wonder if there would be a cheaper way to do it, make the sawhorses maybe? I saw a vertical garden using pallets leaning up against a wall. I was thinking of doing that next year!

  2. I like the Berry box too! Where do you get wooden produce boxes from? Craigslist? I need to find cheap ways to get stuff like this!

  3. The sawhorses were on sale (and I got a coupon in the mail for a percentage off my purchase - don't remember exact $s).

    Don found the wooden produce boxes near some recycling bin (near a restaurant, I believe).
